Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey y'all! Today was interesting, I did some pretty awesome things!

First, I woke up around 7:45am
Second, I talked to my mom for a bit
Third, I talked to Peter (yes, both 2 and 3 interfered with each other)
Fourth, I tried to work on my blog
Fifth, I talked to my mom on the phone
Sixth, I went to Queensbay to hang out with one of my friend from Coffee Bean
Seven, I watched "Green Lantern." Parts of it were creepy. I do not like creepy.
Eight, I drank a Chai Tea Latte with an espresso shot added in!
Nine, I unsuccessfully tried to convince Uncle Wan and Auntie Ipah to go on a date to night
Ten, I used my puppy-dog eyes and face until I effectively coerced Uncle Wan to promise he would go out on a date tomorrow. Auntie said she would if he would, so I had to!

Here are some pictures of my Coffee Bean!

 My favorite table is the one closest to all of those shelves! The first time I went to study, that was the table I was at because I wanted the extra room. After I tried that table, I tried a ton of other tables, but this table was just perfect- not too hot and not too cold, but just right ;)

 I may come back and edit this later, but right now it's 12:23am Wednesday morning and I want to sleep! G'night all! 


  1. Why do you want Uncle Wan and Auntie Ipah to go on a date so much? ;P

  2. Because they want romance in their marriage... My parents go out on a date pretty much every week- it is great for them!
